M.Y.S. Firm Announces 2021 Angel Conference Winner

Since early 2020, M.Y.S. Firm President and Founding Member, Myisha Boyce, has acted in an advisory capacity to spearhead diverse recruitment strategies for non-profit, StartUpNV, Nevada’s only state-wide business incubator. The organization’s goal is to support entrepreneurs in their journey from initial concept to becoming a revenue producing business through education, mentorship, and matching with private funding opportunities.

StartUpNV hosts an annual Angel Investor Bootcamp through the AngelNV Program, which includes a workshop series for both business founders and angel investors, inevitably matching them at program’s end. Myisha Boyce explains, “Angel investing is a type of investment that puts dollars toward startup businesses, allowing new ways to diversify the economy”. In the past three years, the Angel Investor initiative has been successful in raising over 68 million dollars that has been put back into the local economic ecosystem through startup businesses who were awarded funding.

Being rooted in hospitality and tourism industries, Nevada’s economy took a huge hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initiatives like the Angel Investor Bootcamp bring opportunity to entrepreneurs who represent varying industries and allow those businesses to be able to function at a level that will in turn, further diversify the state’s economy and avoid the types of losses as we have experienced in the past few years – with all Nevadans at the table.

On May 8th, 2021 the commencement of the inaugural AngelNV Program was held at Las Vegas City Hall. After taking part in a Shark Tank style event including multiple Nevada small-businesses, Myisha, along with others on the leadership team, presented SafeArbor, a female-owned Las Vegas based small-business, a check for $200,000 after they placed first in the competition. She also announced the two runners-up who were awarded $50,000 investments from the AngelNV Program.

Learn more about StartUpNV and the Angel Investor Bootcamp and hear directly from Myisha on the importance of diversification on KNPR’s segment “Diversifying Nevada’s Economy Might Take The Work Of Angels”.